Body Image is
definitely a hot topic in today's society but too many people don’t understand what it
actually means and how it affects others and themselves. The media contributes
to negative body image and it leads to an increase of body dissatisfaction and
disordered eating. Girls are losing their confidence at a young age and the war
on their bodies is beginning earlier than ever. We work to help girls understand themselves and
what they, and others, are dealing with in today’s society.
We are excited to
announce that we will be hosting a week long social media campaign, "Pink Week," in order to bring awareness to body image issues. During the week of April 20-25,
we will be posting statistics, motivational and inspirational videos, quotes
and more to highlight what negatively affects our body image. The social media
campaign will focus on body image in the media, eating disorders/depression
and becoming confident in your own skin. The campaign will take place on our
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and right here on Writings in Pink! We encourage
you to take action and participate all week long by using the hashtag
#PPPinkWeek15 on all your social media platforms.
On Thursday, April
24th at 6:30pm, we will be hosting a Twitter Talk to generate a conversation
about body image. Questions and discussion topics will be posted based on the
campaign’s main topics. We want you and everyone else who participates to voice your opinions and concerns. We
encourage the community to join in on this conversation to bring awareness to
the significance of body image and the impact it has on our society by using
the hashtag.
On Saturday April
25th from 11am-1pm, a Body Image Rally will take place at the Fontana City Hall
to encourage the community to take action against the war on our bodies. The
event will begin with a discussion on body image with Proud and Pretty in Pink
founders Chelsie Mogan-Prince and Chandra Mogan. Afterwards, the supporters,
community members and organization leaders will take to the streets to bring
awareness to the issues that surround body image. Posters with facts,
statistics and positive encouragements will be distributed to attendees to
participate in this curbside rally. Let’s praise them, love them, encourage
them, educate them and compliment them. RSVP on the Facebook Event Page, HERE.
We will be having
numerous raffles throughout the week for those who participate in the campaign. Join in by using the hash tag #PPPinkWeek15, retweeting,
commenting with your opinions and encouraging others to like and follow. For every
hashtag, you will be entered to win prizes, including Proud and Pretty
Although it is
impossible to change the media, we hope to change the way girls look at the
media and themselves. Education is the first step toward a positive and happy
lifestyle. We hope that we can have some part in that.
Join us as we rally for
bodies during “Pink Week” with Proud and Pretty in Pink!
Follow along on our social media
Organized by Kayla Hockman, University of La Verne
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