Image Isn't Everything

Being a girl is never easy and the struggles we go through seem to be the end of the world (when most of the time they really aren’t). We get scared, jealous and all other emotions in between. But that’s what makes us unique. May it be how we present ourselves or how we react to certain events, that’s what make girls... well girls. I myself have gone through several struggles such as self esteem issues or thinking the world is going to end over a lousy boy or what people think of me. We’ve all been there and we've all done it. It may be freaking out because our hair isn’t straight enough or that we don’t look like the models in magazines. Or that the popular people don’t invite us to hang with them at lunch! But why would we want to be photo-shopped babies or be treated like anything of that matter. To me that seems overdramatic and a bit unrealistic. Another personal note, being that I've changed my appearance so much just to fit in... I may not have realized it at first but looking through the changes I wouldn’t even recognize myself now, and it scares me to think that I did all that just to fit in and not be a target of humiliation anymore. But the changes not only changed the way I looked but the way I acted and the people around me. What’s sad is that I'm still self-conscious about my appearance. I wasn’t the prettiest person or the most liked. Then to add to the appearance drama, boys also play a big role in any girl’s life. From trying to dress to impress or act like someone you aren’t and when things don’t work out we break out the emotions. But I’m starting to learn that I don’t need the nicest clothes or the prettiest smile or even a trophy boyfriend on my arm to make me seem cool. There are several definitions of cool and I’m only fitting my description. I'm a girl, I have emotions that I can't control, sure I worry about useless things and I get a little testy once a month … but that’s what comes with being a girl and as Eve Ensler says “I Am an Emotional Creature” and I wouldn’t change my actions or appearance for anything because I am ME and not some plastic Barbie.
- Stephanie Raguse: Age 16
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