Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 4 of Spring into Self-Esteem Week: Tweet Chat

We had an amazing tweet chat today with some great women!  I thought I'd share the questions, answers and responses here on Writings in Pink for those who missed it.  The chat focused of Media & Self-Esteem:

Q1: The media has women in constant competition w/eachother trying to obtain perfection. What is this doing to our self-esteem? 

A1: We're trying to obtain the media's ideal of perfection which leaves us feeling inferior. It's stressful,consuming&causes jealousy 

Response from @k:  It's unrealistic. Media should be encouraged to embrace real women. No air brushing. Every girl is beautiful as they are

Response from @y: I think this tears down our self esteem. We are so busy trying to keep up with the media that we forget what makes us happy

Response from @y: its completely destructive! It tears apart friendships and families.

Response from @s: It leaves me feeling like I won't be able to achieve the look or persona that's constantly pushed on us

Response from @7I agree. We spend time and money trying to keep up with the media's idea of fashion and body image.

Response from @h: Media makes women feel less confident and beautiful in their own skin because perfect images make us feel less beautiful.

Q2: What influences someone's Self-Esteem? 

A2: Almost everything in life can impact selfesteem. Friends, family, experiences w/ jobs/school, media, health, social status,etc 

Response from @7friends and family can be positive influences and the media is a negative influence! We all deal with all three

Response from @y: Their peers! One thing to remember ladies! If your friends aren't making you feel good...they are not your friends!

Response from @h: I think media has a huge impact on self-eesteme, because it makes women feel less perfect and beautiful in their own skin

Response from @s: Images, peers and comparisons influence self esteem most.

Response from @y: media, outside sources, peers, significant others can all influence someone's self esteem

Q3: What are some important facts that girls&women should understand while looking at the images of other women in magazines & on tv? 

A3: Almost ALL pictures are airbrushed. Those pictures do not represent what those people look like it real life. 

Response from @l: that much of what u see in media has been "doctored" to create sense of perfection. NOONE's perfect!..not even "stars"

Response from @y: That they are completely edited! Nobody looks like a magazine cover, ever!

Response from @s: They have a team of professionals helping them and they do not look like that in real life.

Response from @7: They do not look like that on a daily basis. It's a collaboration of makeup, hair and photoshop

Response from @y: when looking at media and women in media that we are all different in our own way. And a lot of what we see is fake!

Response from @h: There are absolutely no images left that feature the real skin, curves or hair of a woman that hasn’t been significantly altered

Q4: What is the 1st and most important step when trying to create a healthy self-esteem? 

A4: Realizing where the negative thoughts in your head are coming from. Identifying the things in life that bring you down. 

Response from @h: Look in the mirror daily and tell yourself you ARE beautiful! Because you are! Loving yourself is the best kind of love!

Response from @y: Know where u are in your cycle! Hormones play a huge part in daily self-esteem. Dont count nature out!

Response from @k: Learn to love yourself and embrace the fact that you are unique. No one can be myself like I can!

Response from @y: love ourselves and compliment ourselves and be surrounded by positivity...don't live up to someone else's expectations

Response from @l: Focus on good values u've been raised with. or those that u know 2b honorable. live w/those ideals & u can ♥ who u are

Response from @s: Believing in yourself! Knowing what you want to achieve & working hard to get there, in all aspects of life.

Q5: True or False?  You should improve your self-esteem all on your own? 

A5: False! We need to find support from something or someone. To improve, u need to be inspired, educated, motivated & conscious 

Response from @yFalse! I feel like everyone needs to someone to compliment them and make them feel good. Positive reassurance!

Response from @l: Much has to be from within but u need encouragement from friends & family too! makes whole > than the sum of its parts

Response from @y: Never! reach out for help and support! Heck tweet at me!

Response from @h: FALSE! Encouragement from others like friends and family and is always helpful and necessary!

Response from @s: False. others are involved breaking it so to some degree they should be involved in rebuilding it

Q6: Should parents talk to their children about the so called "perfect" images shown in ads and on tv? 

A6: Yes! It would be beneficial if young teens understood the unrealistic aspects of those images. Models&Actresses aren't perfect. 

Response from @k: Yes, we have a responsibility to do so. Provide an environment that supports open dialogue and education

Response from @l: Parents need to be involved from the beginning & recognize the challenges & feelings their children are experiencing.

Response from @y: Absolutely especially by their fathers! Its so important for future relationships.

Response from @s:  Yes!!! They seen the images as real and need to know at a young age it's not real or achievable. Both girls and boys

Response from @yYes especially this day in age. These "perfect" images are always in our face teens are wanting to emulate what they see and again it's not all real.

Response from @h: definitely! Parents should always encourage their children to believe in their own beauty, no matter the images elsewhere

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